Mar 30, 2023Liked by Tom Jones

Does it create excellent TV though? Are people seriously not fed up of end-of-season-finale arguments where person A tries to DESTROY person B or leave them (sorry, get left) IN TEARS? I suppose they must not be. God help us.

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It’s basically the video equivalent of click bait in order to get more views. I’m sure you’re aware, but YouTube is full of such examples, especially in regards to Jordan Peterson, albeit unofficially. If you’re inclined towards the viewpoints in question, you’ll give it a glance, but 99% of the time it’s just two people disagreeing with each other in a civilised way.

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Yes, I always thought JBP was one of the good ones (despite the various unofficial compilations of him GOING BEAST MODE etc.) Loved his series on Genesis and I wish he would do something similar with Exodus, but it seems he's falling into the same pattern on his official channels as well. O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us...

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I think he has done something on Exodus, but it's on the Daily Wire.

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Will check that out. I did a quick search and it looked like everything was 10min clips, but if the full-length stuff is out there that'd definitely be worth it!

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I'd never heard of Phoebe Plummer or Politics Live before reading this post. I don't know anyone who would watch TV shows like GB News or Politics Live. I did hear Jacob Rees-Mogg on the radio once - he was hosting a phone in and the subject was climate change. Neither JRM or any of the people phoning in had any well-informed opinions to share.

What I mean is, if you - yes, YOU, Tom Jones - find yourself knowing what people like Phoebe Plummer or Jacob Rees-Mogg are saying, doesn't that indicate that your media consumption is unhealthy? I've never watched GB News but I imagine it's the informational equivalent of junk food.

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Entirely possible! But I do work in politics, so that's almost a given - Politics Live is the big daily political show, so I'd argue it's not unhealthy to watch it.. I think Plummer is well known for throwing soup at the Van Gogh, but name recognition is low.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Tom Jones

Unsure why you’re ‘joking’ old boy, seems like sound policy..

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RETVRN (to just a few years ago)

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Great points. Only aspect I’d add is, I’m sorry to say, a *gendered* one.

As Richard Hanania as argued, much woke politics is about replacing masculine norms with essentially feminine ones, in life and politics. This has implications for debate, as men often find it hard to deal with social conflict with women, and so often concede ground in order not to appear mean or aggressive.

As a clear malignant narcissist, Miss Plummer has obviously realised at some level that being very emotionally OTT is an effective way of getting what she wants, particularly from men.

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