For those of you who can’t get enough Tom Jones in their lives, there’s enough column inches to go around this week.
First up I make a return to The Critic, arguing that - for all its column inches, fringe events and dramatic TV moments - Yimbyism has almost totally failed, because the movement seems to have completely forgotten that policy derives from politics, not the other way round.
And CapX asked me to examine why a left-wing actor with an infamous private life was invited to a memorial for the greatest conservative thinker of our time, and why right-wingers are so keen to embrace being déclassé.
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For those of you who can’t get enough Tom Jones in their lives, there’s enough column inches to go around this week.
First up I make a return to The Critic, arguing that - for all its column inches, fringe events and dramatic TV moments - Yimbyism has almost totally failed, because the movement seems to have completely forgotten that policy derives from politics, not the other way round.
And CapX asked me to examine why a left-wing actor with an infamous private life was invited to a memorial for the greatest conservative thinker of our time, and why right-wingers are so keen to embrace being déclassé.