
Hi. I'm Tom Jones; welcome to the Potemkin Village Idiot.

As well as being Councillor for Scotton and Lower Wensleydale - sun-kissed and God-blessed - I write opinion pieces, including for The Critic, Con Home, Cap X, Unherd and The Telegraph. You might know me best from having popularised the term ‘Human Quantitative Easing’.


I’ve always appreciated Richard Hamming’s double-edged question: “What are the most important problems in your field, and why aren’t you working on one of them?”

The fundamental question of the PVI is this; what does a right-wing Britain fit for the 21st Century look like, and how do we win it?

For what feels like my entire lifetime, mismanaged decline has been the unspoken, acceptable norm in British politics. The worm bores at the very centre of our command; but it doesn’t have to be like this. This is a choice.

Britain should be strong; but that means the strength to do bold things, not simply to suffer. Decades of failure have created a country full of reasonable people at their wits’ end. They, like me, cannot bear to see Britain expecting its fate with patient resignation instead of grasping an outstretched hand towards the stars. We must break the cycle, before we are forced to accept a humiliating slide it is no longer in our power to arrest.

The work lies at hand.


The PVI goes out twice a week. As well as original writing, I post pieces I’ve had published elsewhere - often with postscripts adding further thoughts that were cruelly cut by evil editors. I’m also keen on publishing new writers who don’t have enough of a platform to get into print yet, and their work will be free - message me if you’d like to submit!

Sign up as a free subscriber and you’ll have access to some posts, as well as a sample of each paid article. Sign up as a paid subscriber to receive everything, including my sparkling repartee in the comments.


  • Please miss just once, you're embarrassing other blogs.

  • I reckon if you want a guide to a potential future of the Tories you could do worse than follow him. And, IMO, it's not a good thing.

  • He personifies this: "the ideal of the honnete homme... a generalist who works hard and isn't afraid to get to the bottom of things. He is sovereign, because he asserts and exercises his ability to learn for himself".

  • High-status

  • Delusional

  • One of the least serious people the Tories have had as an office holder in 345 years.

Subscribe to The Potemkin Village Idiot

What does a right-wing Britain fit for the 21st Century look like - and how do we win it?


Tory cllr for Scotton & Lower Wensleydale, whip at North Yorkshire Council, terminally online opinion haver & undomesdicated bachelor. A reasonable man at his wits end.